Metatogger is a tag editor for Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, M4A (AAC and ALAC) and WMA audio files.
A tags editor that allows you to easily rename, tag and classify your MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, WMA and M4A audio files. Metatogger is a tag editor for Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, M4A (AAC and ALAC) and WMA audio files. A tag is a metadata, i.e. Data about data. A tag provides additional information related to the audio data itself: the author of the lyrics, the composer of the music, the.
A tag is a metadata, i.e. data about data. A tag provides additional information related to the audio data itself: the author of the lyrics, the composer of the music, the name of the album from which the song was released, the release date, etc. These tags or metadata make it possible to exploit large music collections more pleasantly.
The problem is that many audio files contain no metadata at all, while others contain erroneous, unnecessary or inconsistent informations. Sometimes even the file name does not contain any relevant information. It is difficult, under these conditions, to identify a song without having to play it. This is where Metatogger comes in.
Metatogger allows you to correct or complete the tags of audio files. Simple webmonitor 1 3 3. To do so, it has features that allow to correct or complete the tags of audio files:
Metatogger offers fast and easy tagging of large music collections, a high degree of customizability, an attractive and efficient interface, and lots of convenience, including automatic updates. It shows just how far MP3 tag editors have come since the Napster era.
CNET Team,CNET Leaf rss news reader 5 1 4.
Après avoir testé un grand nombre d'applications diverses et variées en vue de renommer et ajouter des informations à mes fichiers MP3, aucune ne m'avait véritablement convaincu jusqu'à ce que j'installe Metatogger. Le point fort de ce logiciel (en plus d'être gratuit) étant qu'il fait vraiment tout tout seul… et qu'il le fait bien…
No overkill of tabs, windows, hundreds of options, slow tagging, large size. Metatogger is a solution for everyone. […] Behind its sober interface, has the most powerful features to customize as far as you want your music library. Adding your own tags is a breeze, organizing a huge library with personalized patterns, and even small scripts is not a problem, as little as sorting all the files you want to tag according to every possible criteria. The only limit for the advanced user is your own imagination. There are many other things to be said […], making the software faster, smaller, and more ergonomic than its competitors.
Softpedia Team,
The good thing about Metatogger is that you can instantly preview any changes done to the file's tags and then decide if you want to keep those changes or you'd rather discard them. Metatogger features a very attractive interface with a nice design.
Elena Santos,
Une fonction d'analyse sonore des fichiers est disponible, et vous permet d'identifier rapidement vos morceaux en double. Réorganisez vos fichiers, renommez-les ou supprimez-les en un clin d'œil.
Rédaction 01net,
You like Metatogger and wish to take part in the adventure? Bravo, Metatogger would not exist without its users. Your participation can take several forms: make a donation, suggest new features, contact the technical support to report bugs, make people discover the software around you, etc.
All jackpots casino. Ready to organize your audio files? Don't wait any longer to download Metatogger.