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Image2icon Make Your Own Icons 2 6 2

Custom Icons (iOS 12 and Earlier)

  1. Image 2 Icon Make Your Own Icons 2 6 20
  2. Make Your Own Animated Icons
  3. Image 2 Icon Make Your Own Icons 2 6 2020

In iOS 13 or later, prefer using SF Symbols to represent tasks and modes in your app. If your app is running in iOS 12 or earlier, or if you need to create custom bitmap icons, follow the guidance below.

  • 8/10 (7 votes) - Download Image 2 Icon Converter Free. Image 2 Icon Converter is a practical tool to convert any image into an icon. Download Image 2 Icon Converter and create original icons for your computer. The quickest and simplest way to achieve an eye-catching icon is to design it as if it.
  • Image2icon makes it impressively easy to drag and drop any of your images onto the app and get a usable icon out of it. The devs at Shiny Frog have been polishing the app since its release back in 2005 and since then, the app really has come a long way. If you’re looking for an hassle-free way to make icons on your Mac, you owe it to yourself.
Make your own icons for aim free

Image2icon - Make your icons itunes.apple.com Developer Shiny Frog img2icnsapp.com Category Developer Tools. Date Added Jan 30, 2018. Search; RSS Feed. Image 2 Icon Converter. If you have any image you like a lot and you also want to have it as icon, this tool is the one you need. Image 2 Icon Converter is an easy-to-use program that allows you to covert any bmp or jpg image.

Create recognizable, highly-simplified designs. Too many details can make an icon confusing or unreadable. Strive for a simple, universal design that most people will recognize quickly and won’t find offensive. The best icons use familiar visual metaphors that are directly related to the actions they initiate or content they reveal.


Design icons as glyphs. A glyph, also known as a template image, is a monochromatic image with transparency, anti-aliasing, and no drop shadow that uses a mask to define its shape. Glyphs automatically receive the appropriate appearance—including coloring, highlighting, and vibrancy—based on the context and user interactions. A variety of standard interface elements support glyphs, including navigation bars, tab bars, toolbars, and Home screen quick actions.

Prepare glyphs with a scale factor of @2x and save them as PDFs. Because PDF is a vector format that allows for high-resolution scaling, it's typically sufficient to provide a single @2x version in your app and allow it to scale for other resolutions.

Keep your icons consistent. Whether you use only custom icons or mix custom and system icons, all icons in your app should be the same in terms of level of detail, optical weight, stroke weight, position, and perspective.

Make sure icons are legible. In general, solid icons tend to be clearer than outlined icons. If an icon must includes lines, coordinate the weight with other icons and your app's typography.

Use color to communicate selected and deselected states. Avoid toggling between two different icon designs, like a solid version and an outlined version.

Avoid including text in an icon. If you need text, display a label beneath the icon and adjust its placement accordingly.

Don’t use replicas of Apple hardware products. Apple products are copyrighted and can’t be reproduced in your icons or images. In general, avoid displaying replicas of devices because hardware designs tend to change frequently and can make your icon look dated.

Simple webmonitor 1 3 3. Provide alternative text labels for icons. Alternative text labels aren’t visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.

Custom Icon Sizes

Above all, your app's icon family should be visually consistent in size. If individual icon designs vary in weight, some icons may need to be slightly larger than others to achieve this effect.

Home Screen Quick Action Icon Size

A Home screen quick action icon appears next to the title. If you need to create a custom icon for your Home screen quick action, use the following sizes for guidance.

Maximum width and height
104px × 104px (34.67pt × 34.67pt @3x)
70px × 70px (35pt × 35pt @2x)
Target width and height
80px × 80px (26.67pt × 26.67pt @3x)
54px × 54px (27pt × 27pt @2x)
Target width (wide glyphs)
88px (29.33pt @3x)
60px (30pt @2x)
Target height (tall glyphs)
88px (29.33pt @3x)
60px (30pt @2x)

Navigation Bar and Toolbar Icon Size

Use the following sizes for guidance when preparing custom navigation bar and toolbar icons, but adjust as needed to create balance.

Target sizesMaximum sizes
72px × 72px (24pt × 24pt @3x)84px × 84px (28pt × 28pt @3x)
48px × 48px (24pt × 24pt @2x)56px × 56px (28pt × 28pt @2x)

Tab Bar Icon Size

In portrait orientation, tab bar icons appear above tab titles. In landscape orientation, the icons and titles appear side-by-side. Depending on the device and orientation, the system displays either a regular or compact tab bar. Your app should include custom tab bar icons for both sizes.

Target width and height (circular glyphs)

Regular tab bars Compact tab bars
75px × 75px (25pt × 25pt @3x)54px × 54px (18pt × 18pt @3x)
50px × 50px (25pt × 25pt @2x)36px × 36px (18pt × 18pt @2x)

Target width and height (square glyphs)

Make your own icons for aim free
Regular tab bars Compact tab bars
69px × 69px (23pt × 23pt @3x)51px × 51px (17pt × 17pt @3x)
46px × 46px (23pt × 23pt @2x)34px × 34px (17pt × 17pt @2x)

Target width (wide glyphs)

Regular tab bars Compact tab bars
93px (31pt @3x)69px (23pt @3x)
62px (31pt @2x)46px (23pt @2x)

Target height (tall glyphs)

Regular tab bars Compact tab bars
84px (28pt @3x)60px (20pt @3x)
56px (28pt @2x)40px (20pt @2x)

Last Updated on August 19, 2020 by

Developer: Shiny Frog Ltd.

Your Mac, your icons. Image2icon Pro is the easiest way to create your own mac icons and customize your folders and files.

Version 2.0 provides:

## Image to Icon Conversion ##
It’s easy as pie: drop an image to Image2icon, then drop a file or folder apply the icon.

## Icon Templates ##
Unleash your creativity! Choose between 20+ retina ready templates and apply them with just one click.
All the templates are available via In App Purchase.

## Text and Emoji ##
Have fun placing text and emoji on top of your icons

## Image Tuning ##
Zoom, move, rotate and change the background color of your icons to achieve the best final result.

## Exports ##
Save your icon in 9 different formats:

° Folder
° iOS – Every format needed for your iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch App
° Android – All the formats for your Android App and Play Store

° Favicons – Multisize ico, different iOS formats, Android and IE10 Metro
° Windows ICO
° Iconset, appIconset

## Background Removal ##
With Image2icon you can easily remove your picture background for best results.
Available via In App Purchase.

## Restore Icon ##
Restore your original icon with just one drop.

## Batch Export ##
Drop a bunch of images and let Image2icon process them in a single shot.

Icon Grabbing ##
Do you want to grab an application icon and use it in your projects?
With Image2icon is as easy as dropping a file.

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For video tutorials, “how to” and general informations

For every question

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Thanks To
Gershom Charig, Logoswish.com, Marcus Gellermark, Mauricio Estrella, Graphicburger.com, Bianca Yvonne, Dennis van Lith, Renato Ruškan.

Made By:
Shiny Frog and Nicola Armellini

What’s New in Version 2.11 – Feb 23, 2020
• Is now possible to drop files and folder directly on the icon templates sidebar to apply the corresponding icons
• Is now possible to drop an image on the center preview to change the selected image
• Corrected in-app support links
• Localisations fixes
• Crash fixes

Image 2 Icon Make Your Own Icons 2 6 20


Size 35.7 MB
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese
Copyright Copyright © 2019 Shiny Frog Ltd. All rights reserved.

In-App Purchases

Make Your Own Animated Icons

  • Unlock all templates $9.99
  • Unlock all exports $9.99
  • Unlock everything $14.99

Image 2 Icon Make Your Own Icons 2 6 2020

  • App Support

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